The words that come to mind when I think about Erin Myers is amazing, passionate, caring, and driven. Being diagnosed with scoliosis has not stopped her from anything, including sharing her knowledge and opening up a pilates studio specializing in the spine and scoliosis, Spiral Spine Pilates. I loved speaking with her when we were planning out her session. Her passion for God and for helping people resonated with me in such a way that I truly was nervous the day of her shoot…wanting to do this woman the justice that I knew she deserved. I loved our shoot…I loved working with her, creating beautiful poses with her, and showing her the back of the camera and seeing how happy she was (and hearing how happy she was when she got the magazine). I think we nailed it and I loved how it turned out in the Brentwood Lifestyle Magazine.

Allie Myszka wrote a beautiful story on Erin and I am so pleased to have my photos shared along with her great work and words.

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